Saturday, August 15, 2009

Preschool Prep Company

I know it has been a while but with the summer ending and school starting back it has been busy! So I have a review for my readers. (dont even know if I have any! :))

A sweet DG sister/Blogger friend, Nikki suggested the Preschool Prep Company DVDs. They have colors, numbers, letters, and sight words. I thought this would great for Payton to try!

Preschool Prep Company

Check out their website! They have much more than just DVDs. So far we just have the letters and colors DVD. Being an educator I wanted to make sure they were going to be worth purchasing. Totally are!! Along with us working with her, her Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Letters, bath foam letters, and the DVDs, she is starting to recognize letters and colors. Of course I know she is only 17 months but she shows interest and tries her hardest. Right now she really likes the letters B, P, O, and R. Even when we are out, she points to letters and identifies them. Of course not always be correct but it is a start!

The DVDs are very repetitive, animated, and educate the kids on lower case and upper case letters and colors. It might drive the parents crazy but it keeps the interest of the kids!

I totally give my TWO thumbs up!

We purchased our DVDs at Sams Club and they had all of them there. I know Amazon carries them as well.

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