Saturday, August 29, 2009

Baby Yogurt

Thought I would share my thoughts on Baby Yogurt. Payton LOVES baby yogurt. I also love that she loves it. It is healthy, tasty, and easy.

Of course when it comes to my little girl I want nothing but the best. So organic it is. I don't mind saving in other areas of food so that my little girl can eat healthy. Plus if you look at various websites, you can always use coupons.

Stonyfield has great baby yogurt products all ages but especially for babies. They also are generous with their coupons. I always sign in under my husband’s email as well to get more coupons. We started with the plain yogurt and then added her baby fruit to the yogurt when she was 6 months old. After she got use to have her foods blended, we purchased the yogurt with fruit and cereal. And still do! She also loves the yogurt smoothies.

Horizon Dairy also has yogurt for babies. I usually don't find it at my grocery store but this weekend I saw their Little Blends Yogurt. Thought we would give it a try. Plus there was a coupon inside for next time. It is yogurt with fruit and veggies. We bought the banana and sweet potatoes. Yummy.

I know as a mom that I always worry about Payton having a balanced and healthy diet. To make it even harder she is picky about her veggies. Wont really eat them unless it is hidden. So I just make sure she eats a lot of fruit. Buying yogurt with fruit and now with fruit and veggies makes it a lot easier and less stressful!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jamaican Curry Chicken

Tried a new recipe and LOVED it! I would say that this is totally family friendly because it isn't spicy at all. Now my little girl is super picky but hopefully your kids will enjoy it. Our neighbor and babysitter for our daughter is Jamaican. So where else do you think I got this recipe from? It is by word of mouth so I just winged and it turned out pretty tasty. I still don't think it is as good as Tammy’s but it was close! Thanks Tammy for the recipe!

1 package of chicken breast or bone-in chicken (your choice)

2-3 tablespoons Olive Oil

2-3 tablespoons of Curry powder

1 onion, diced

1 cup of water

2-3 servings of brown rice or whatever your family prefers

salt and pepper to taste

2-3 tablespoons of garlic (more if you really like garlic)

Medium heat cook minced garlic in olive oil till brown. Add curry powder to oil and mix. Add chicken breast and sauté on both sides. Add water to pan and cover with a lid. Cook chicken over low to medium heat till chicken is cooked. If you have time, low and slow is best for tender chicken. While chicken is cooking, cook brown rice and cut onions. Half way through the chicken, add onions to the pan, stir and cover. Let the steam cook down the onions. Can add more water if you think it needs it, it will reduce down to a curry sauce. Salt and pepper to taste.

When finished, serve curry chicken with rice and the sauce from the pan.

We had steamed carrots with ours and it was a good side dish.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Preschool Prep Company

I know it has been a while but with the summer ending and school starting back it has been busy! So I have a review for my readers. (dont even know if I have any! :))

A sweet DG sister/Blogger friend, Nikki suggested the Preschool Prep Company DVDs. They have colors, numbers, letters, and sight words. I thought this would great for Payton to try!

Preschool Prep Company

Check out their website! They have much more than just DVDs. So far we just have the letters and colors DVD. Being an educator I wanted to make sure they were going to be worth purchasing. Totally are!! Along with us working with her, her Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Letters, bath foam letters, and the DVDs, she is starting to recognize letters and colors. Of course I know she is only 17 months but she shows interest and tries her hardest. Right now she really likes the letters B, P, O, and R. Even when we are out, she points to letters and identifies them. Of course not always be correct but it is a start!

The DVDs are very repetitive, animated, and educate the kids on lower case and upper case letters and colors. It might drive the parents crazy but it keeps the interest of the kids!

I totally give my TWO thumbs up!

We purchased our DVDs at Sams Club and they had all of them there. I know Amazon carries them as well.